In October 2006, an unusual Bottlenose Dolphin was captured in Japan; it had small fins on each side of its genital slit, which scientists believe to be a more pronounced development of these vestigial hind limbs.
Tips for printing coloring book page or coloring sheet:
Step 1: Click on "Print" link of your choice, if you want a
Dusky dolphin image for coloring yourself then you need to click on "Print
Dusky dolphin Coloring page (B/W)" link. If you want colored (already filled with colors)
Dusky dolphin graphic to print then click "Print
Dusky dolphin Coloring page (Color)".
Step 2: Now a new pop-up window will open along the
Dusky dolphin image of your choice (if new window does not open-up then you may need to check your pop-up blocker settings.). Now click on "PRINT". This will open printer dialog, select your print and print.