This book is designed for pattern writing. For each line some dashes are given. The dashes are also in straight lines. Children have to join the dashes with each other to complete standing lines. This will help them working in various patterns.
Step 1: Click on "Print" link of your choice, if you want a
Pattern writing 30work sheet then you need to click on "Print
Pattern writing 30 Work Sheet (B/W)" link. If you want colored (already filled with colors)
Pattern writing 30 work sheet to print then click "Print
Pattern writing 30 Work Sheet (Color)".
Step 2: Now a new pop-up window will open along the
Pattern writing 30 image of your choice (if new window does not open-up then you may need to check your pop-up blocker settings.). Now click on "PRINT". This will open printer dialog, select your print and print.